Hummingen Camping
Hummingen Camping has the perfect size for most camping families. Not too big and unimaginable, yet so big that there is a beautiful water park for free use throughout the summer months, good facilities and a small fine shop with freshly baked bread.
Humming’s campground units are located in small cozy areas with power for all spaces, wind shelter, short distance to facilities and good sunshine on virtually all units. The power is free when the space fee is paid, there is free access to the water park and Mooncars, etc. can be used without costing anything. We have access control at the boom and at the water park, so there is free access to the facility buildings for both children and adults. All in all, good framework for a nice holiday with the family or good friends.
Camping prices
Per. day
Pladsgebyr (uden strøm) 7 EURO
Teltplads 7 Euro
Strøm pr døgn 45,- DKK
Ban on charging of EL vehicles
Adult (+12 year) 82,- DKK
Børn (3-12 år) 40,- DKK
Children (0-2 year) 25 DKK
Dogs 3 EURO
Shelter på pladsen 100 ,- DKK + persontakst
Shelter outback 75 ,- DKK + persontakst
Gæstepris (ikke overnatning) 3 EURO
Visitor price incl. Acces to waterpark 7 EURO
Gratis for pladsens gæster minus dagsgæster
Deposit, booking 69 EURO
Additional Services
Baby highchair per day 3,5 EURO
Travel cot per day 3,5 EURO
Washing machine 35,- DKK
Dryer (20 min) 3 EURO
Closettømning i maskine 3 EURO
Shower (Use Danish money) 1 EURO
1-4 2025 - 20-10 2025 1610 Euro + Power
Fri adgang til pool i åbningstiden for pool
1-4 2025- 20-10 2025 1745 Euro + Power
Plads med vand og afløb + fri adgang til pool i åbningstiden for pool
Forår 1-4 2025 30/6 2025 3500 DKK + strøm
Sommer uge 28-29-30-31 740 Euro + Power
Efterår Uge 32 -42 480 EURO
Vinter uge 42- 1/4 3500 DKK + strøm
Må bruges weekender + helligdage samt 20 hverdags overnatninger perioden 1-11 - -28-2
Fast beboelse 1.850,- DKK pr måned + strøm
Winter storage of Caravans 1.000 DKK pr vogn